Independent and one-of-a-kind

Beautiful cards and gifts by local designers and environmentally conscious companies as well as craft supplies from brands you know and love​.

Our stock is handpicked by our team every month

Because we choose what we sell, we can answer all of your questions about our products and make sure you choose the best option for your needs.

Crafting? We’ve got you covered!

We have stock from most corners of the crafting world, whether you’re just starting out or adding the finishing touches to your project.

What you can expect to find:

Gütermann recycled thread
Anchor cotton skeins
Paper mâché letters
Sewing and other craft kits
Santoro Gorjuss craft supplies and gifts
Craft storage
Card making/scrapbooking supplies
Decopatch papers (online only)
Greeting cards

A guaranteed warm welcome

Our little treasure trove is a hidden gem within Port Solent, but you are always guaranteed a warm welcome. We love talking about our products and can offer all the advice you need to make an informed decision about what you buy in a way many big businesses can’t. Our stock may vary, but we ​try to prioritise local/independent artists and​ Fair Trade products to offer the most unusual and wonderful gifts around.

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Latest Products

Cat Pose Greeting Card


Santoro Gorjuss Enamel Pins Alice In Wonderland


Santoro Gorjuss Rubber Stamp Set Every Summer Has A Story


Santoro Gorjuss Stationery Set Ray Of Light


Opening Hours

11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm
11am - 4pm

Unit 13, The Trading Post, The Boardwalk, Portsmouth PO6 4TP

Looking For Something Specific?

If you have any questions about our products or would like any more information about us, then please get in touch using the telephone number below. We’d be happy to help.